of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat 2025-01-27T13:00:06+00:00Prof. Dr. Gul Journal Systems<p>The Journal of Law and Social Sciences (abbreviated as JLSS-UoT) is an Open Access research journal that publishes double-blind and peer-reviewed research in specific fields of Law and social sciences.<br />JLSS-UoT is published bi-annually by the University of Turbat. JLSS-UoT publishes original research based on its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance, and surprising conclusions. The Journal of Law and social sciences has been published since 2023.</p> <ul> <li><strong>ISSN: </strong>2959-9970 (Print)</li> <li><strong>ISSN: </strong>2959-877X (Online)</li> </ul> <p> </p> Motorists’ Risk Attitudes and Pedestrian Road Safety: Evidence from Metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria2024-12-06T10:30:18+00:00SUNDAY AJEMUNIGBOHUNinsuranceprofessorlasu@gmail.comKudirat Adeola Olarinre<p>With the increasing prevalence of uninsured vehicles in urban areas, motorists’ behaviours on pedestrian safety are crucial for developing effective road safety strategies. This study investigated the happenings around uninsured motorists’ risk attitudes and pedestrian road safety in metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria. Using the survey approach cum the two-way sampling techniques comprised of purposive and convenience, data were gathered to analyse the behavioural dispositions of uninsured motorists and their implications on pedestrian road safety. The study adopted a structured questionnaire as a research instrument for data collection from a sample population of 209. The data analytical employed was descriptive statistics comprised of simple frequency percentages presented in tabular form and bar chart description. Findings revealed, based on pedestrian opinions, that uninsured motorists display riskier driving behaviours, such speeding and reckless driving pattern; which was found prevalent among commercial uninsured motorists. In addition, insufficient implementation of insurance regulation and socio-economic factors contributed to the proliferation of uninsured vehicles. The study also showcased the descriptive analysis of uninsured motorists’ risk attitudes towards pedestrian road safety. Further finding presented a descriptive analysis of pedestrians’ road safety metrics on Lagos roads. Then, the study accentuates the urgent need for comprehensive policy intervention targeting uninsured motorists, including stricter application of insurance laws, public awareness campaigns, enhanced infrastructure to improve pedestrian safety in urban environment, like metropolitan, Lagos, Nigeria and in similar contexts in other African cities and beyond. Thus, insurance practitioners, especially motor insurance providers, should synergise their efforts to improve the accessibility and affordability of insurance for motorists, particularly, the low-income individuals; by creating flexible payment options, and subsidising insurance premiums. Lastly, local communities should engage with other stakeholders in the transport industry to ensure road safety culture, promoting responsible driving behaviour and encouraging compliance with insurance regulation</p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat Role of Phonological Awareness in Developing Speaking Skills: A Focused Literature Review2024-12-04T09:05:08+00:00Farhan Muhammad Kamal<p>Phonological awareness is the ability to identify and understand sounds of language, a critical skill for early literacy growth. Although a vast amount of research has confirmed the importance of phonological awareness in learning to read and spell, interaction with speaking abilities has been insufficiently studied. This literature review presents a synthesis of both early and latest researchers ranging from the 1930s – 2024 to explain the link between phonological awareness and speaking skills. The study provides an overview of theoretical models, research results and pedagogical practices showing the links between phonological awareness along with pronunciation, fluency and speaking accuracy in general. Although the crucial role of phonological awareness in reading is well recognized, there has been small research devoted specifically to how phonological awareness helps attain proficiency as a speaker. This gap highlights the need for research into how phonological awareness contributes to oral language proficiency through specific pathways. This highlights the need for educators and policymakers to incorporate phonological awareness play-based learning activities into language instruction in order to develop communication skills across diverse student groups.</p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat Invasions in Post 9/11 and Human Rights Violations2024-11-30T14:30:35+00:00Muhammad Tahir<p><em>Following the 9/11 incident, the United States of America launched a global “War on Terror” with aims of eradicating terrorism all over the world. In this research paper, American invasions especially on Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya as part of this war have been discussed in detail. The validity of human rights violations as justification by the US is critically analyzed as well. Moreover, US conduct as defenders of human rights in the war has also been scrutinized and questions about its behavior raised. Furthermore, the effects of the war on public opinion regarding US and human rights have also been explored. </em></p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat as a Political tool and the need for cooperation: the IWT and its effects on Political relations between Pakistan and India2024-11-30T14:32:59+00:00Sidra Ghaffarkhalilsidra400@gmail.comWaseem<p>Water is an essential resource that is crucial for the survival of all living beings. Its distribution and management have been a contentious issue between countries, especially in the case of India and Pakistan. The Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) was signed between the two nations in 1960, which divided the Indus River system between the two countries. This treaty, although successful in preventing any major water conflicts between the two nations, has also had its fair share of challenges and controversies.</p> <p>The unequal distribution of water resources has had a significant impact on the political relations between India and Pakistan. The IWT has often been a source of tension between the two nations, with Pakistan accusing India of using water as a weapon to control their economy and agriculture. The construction of dams and other water diversion projects by India in the Indus River basin has been a constant point of disagreement between the two countries. This has led to mistrust and hostility, further complicating the already strained relationship between the two nations. Furthermore, the IWT has also been a barrier in the development of a more comprehensive and cooperative approach towards water management, as it limits the scope for joint and sustainable solutions. Overall, the unequal distribution of water resources has added to the already complex political dynamics between India and Pakistan, hindering any potential for resolution and cooperation.</p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat The Rise of Populism in Pakistan: Implications for Democracy2024-11-10T16:02:35+00:00Sher Ahmed DurraniSherahmed.durrani@gmail.comSumaya<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>This article assesses the political rise of populism in Pakistan and its consequences for the democratic governance. Populism is conceptualized as an ideology that dichotomizes society into two homogeneous and antagonistic groups: THE PURE PEOPLE and the corrupt elite. It not only sets up a moral difference between these groups, but is also in the process of valorizing and legitimizing the populace while demeaning the elite. The article defines the main characteristics that populist leaders and their audience exhibit and why the former are appealing and how the latter is mobilized. Populism is not necessarily anti-democratic, but does threaten the liberal democratic ideal of protecting individual rights. Often, populists are supporters of the needs of the majority or native groups, often at the cost of the individual liberties and of diverse interests. Furthermore, the article identifies the underlying drivers of contemporary populism, categorizing them into three broad dimensions: Globalization and its consequences in economic stagnation and inequality, the diminishment of political parties and a ‘cultural backlash’ towards progressive values.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><strong><u>Keywords:</u></strong> populism, democracy, populist leaders, populist supporters, globalization, economic inequality, progressive values, political parties</p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat Appraisal of the 2024 Iran-Israel Conflict and Chances of Global Escalation2024-11-30T14:29:07+00:00Dr Ahmed Saeed Farhat Konain<p><em>This research aims to undertake a pragmatic analysis of assessing the probability of transforming a localized conflict between Israel and Iran escalating into World War III. The animosity between the two belligerents nations is deeply rooted that originated in the aftermath of the 1979 Iranian Revolution. The Iranian Republic, under Ayatollah clergy, overtly declared Israel an illegitimate state that occupied the Palestinian land and took a staunch position against the spread of Zionism in the region. Primarily, the reasons for the enmity rested upon the two nations’ pursuit of regional influence, ideological differences, proxies, great powers’ crisscrossed interests and the oil politics. Moreover, recent attacks on Israel occupied land by Hezbollah and Hamas with Iranian support has added fuel to hidden fire comprised of hatred, tension and proxy conflicts. Interestingly, despite of the fact that neither of the two nations are nuclear weapons state as per the NPT standards, the threat of use of nuclear weapons is being talked about. Besides that, the issue of nuclear proliferation adds a critical dimension to the rivalry, with Israel viewing Iran's nuclear ambitions as an existential threat. This complex and volatile relationship forms the backdrop for the study in hand, that shall critically examine the potential for a bilateral conflict to spiral into a regional conflict and then ultimately leading to a global war. The research shall make an endeavor to identify the reasons for the animosity, military capability to fight a protracted war, including their respective nuclear ambitions and delivery systems. It will also explore the cascading economic effects of a regional conflict, such as disruption of global oil supplies and the triggering of regional alliances especially the involvement of three big powers, the US, Russia and China. </em></p> <p><em>The research shall focus on the ultimate goal of developing a nuanced understanding of the strategic and tactical levels of conditions under which an Iran-Israel conflict could potentially escalate to a global scale and to propose strategies for mitigating the threat of a wider conflict involving nations across continents.</em></p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat Participation in Local Governments: A Case Study of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Local Government Act, 20132024-11-10T15:58:19+00:00Shehla<p>Involving the public in local government decision-making and development processes can lead to more effective and efficient service delivery by the public sector locally. A certain amount of authority needs to be transferred from the federal to local governments in order to promote participation. Nonetheless, participation cannot be guaranteed by local governments being given more responsibility on their own. The goal of this study is to identify the avenues for public participation available by the KPLGA, 2013. In order to carry out this study a thorough literature analysis is employed to investigate the idea of public engagement in local governments. In light of direct and indirect involvement, public engagement under the KPLGA, 2013 is examined for this study. One significant way for the public to participate directly is through public hearings and meetings; nevertheless, KPLGA, 2013 does not set any requirements for it. Even so, voting is one way to direct participate under this Act. Citizens elect their representatives to run local governments on their behalf because they are unable to participate in all routine concerns of local government. According to the KPLGA of 2013, elected local councils are tasked with enacting laws on certain topics, having the authority to levy taxes, approving the respective local governments' budgets, and monitoring local administration. However, a number of restrictions placed on this abilities and authority render it all but useless. The corresponding law needs to be amended in order to allow for public participation in municipal administration.</p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat the Path to Excellence: Analyzing Pakistan and Malaysian Higher Education Policies2024-12-20T04:46:20+00:00Shah Zaibshahzaib_khalil786@yahoo.comNiamat<p>The importance of higher education in driving national development and fostering enlightenment cannot be minimalized. The main purpose of the study was to analyze higher education (HE) policies and their role in shaping the HE landscape of Pakistan and Malaysia and to identify the gaps and discrepancies between both countries' HE policies. Content analysis was employed for analyzing HE policies covering from the 1990s to 2020 and used concept development techniques to draw nuanced understanding from various written documents. The findings of the study demonstrated that Pakistan has made noteworthy efforts to transform its HE system through the implementation of various HE policies. However, the HE policies have undergone inconsistencies and lacked sustainability, primarily attributed to political transitions, poor execution, weak governance, and a persistent challenge of only a small, allocated budget for higher education. Whereas, Malaysia has effectively transformed its HE system and established itself as an international hub through the successful implementation of well-designed HE blueprints. These policies sustained sustainably, framed properly, and executed effectively, with revisions made based on lessons learned from previous policies. Both countries have significantly experienced in policymaking; however, Malaysia has displayed a more effective approach to policy implementation and revision, led to a greater degree of success in achieving its objectives. Further, policy recommendations are provided.</p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat