Journal of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat <p>The Journal of Law and Social Sciences (abbreviated as JLSS-UoT) is an Open Access research journal that publishes double-blind and peer-reviewed research in specific fields of Law and social sciences.<br />JLSS-UoT is published bi-annually by the University of Turbat. JLSS-UoT publishes original research based on its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance, and surprising conclusions. The Journal of Law and social sciences has been published since 2023.</p> <ul> <li><strong>ISSN: </strong>2959-9970 (Print)</li> <li><strong>ISSN: </strong>2959-877X (Online)</li> </ul> <p> </p> University of Turbat en-US Journal of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat 2959-9970 Harnessing Terminology Development for Greater Beneficence to National Language Policy: The Nigeria Case <p><br>Terminology development as a tool that propels the evolvement of educational and translation materials and services besides enhancing the formation of a robust terminology is widely celebrated as a great linguistic instrument. This is because of its’ potency in knitting together a multilingual society like Nigeria towards a common understanding and purpose. The afore-stated promotion of national unity, effective communication and the preservation of indigenous languages directed towards the creation of an inclusive nation are the same goals pursued by the National Policy on Education which couches Nigeria’s Language Policy. Consequently, this study titled, ‘Harnessing Terminology Development for Greater Beneficence to National Language Policy: The Nigeria Case’, primarily aims to explore the meritorious services of terminology development in the evolution, realization and implementation of an effective language policy in Nigeria. By surveying the historical development of Nigeria language policy, it identifies and condemns the overemphasis of the usage of English language for instructional and legislative purposes, pointing out its disservices to indigenous languages. The study also highlights the fundamental roles and challenges impeding a fuller beneficence of a symbiosis of terminology development and the National Language Policy in achieving national integration. Adopting the hermeneutical and content analysis methods of enquiry, the research in conclusion, suggests a novel pragmatic and proactive terminology development model, which will drive a vibrant language policy and implementation.</p> Dr.cardinal ihejirika Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 2 1 15 Sexual harassment and Assault on University Campus Affects Academic Performance and Well-Being: Perceptions and Experiences of Female Students <p>Sexual harassment is a global issue. Sexual assault continues to be prevalent and consequential experience for university students. Universities and victims themselves need to understand that the consequences are not just physical and psychological but can also negatively impact academic performance. Therefore, this qualitative exploratory case study research has been conducted through in-depth interviews from a liberal feminist perspective to analyze the perceptions and experiences of female students regarding sexual harassment and assault (SHA) on university campuses as a factor affecting academic performance and well-being. In this study, the universe of the researchers is Karachi. Researchers used purposive sampling with a sample size of 12 female students. The data was analyzed through the thematic analysis method. Although respondents shared a range of viewpoints on how the prevalence of SHA on university campuses affects students' academic performance and well-being. However, the majority of respondents did not perceive much variation in such experiences based on their gender identity and socioeconomic status. Moreover, in respondents’ opinion, SHA can be significantly reduced over time by implementing strict measures.</p> saba hashmi Munazza Madani Maheen Batool Kazmi Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 2 16 30 Politics of Language in Colonial India and in Post-Partition Pakistan, 1947–1970s <p>This study aims to explore the impact of colonialism on language in India, with a particular focus on Pakistan until 1970. It will examine how language policies were used as a tool for control and dominance, as well as how they shaped the linguistic landscape of the region. To begin, the paper investigates the role of language and politics in United India since the introduction of English language by Thomas Babington, popularly known as Lord Macaulay, in 1834, arguing that the imperialist rulers and ruling elites were preoccupied with their languages and were protecting their political status using language as a political tool, both in colonial India and post-colonial Pakistan. Second, this study also asserts that after the partition of unified India, the Pakistani elite exploited language(s) as a political tool to defend their self-centered ambitions, contributing to the dismemberment of Pakistan in the 1970s. The discontent does not end there; certain elites continue to use language to mobilize their ethnic supporters to acquire maximum benefits and political powers within Pakistan.</p> Gulawar khan Arif Khan Masood Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 2 31 45 The Exploring Patron-Client Relationship and Household Maids’ Access to Public Institutions <p>This study explores the dynamics of loyalty, trust, and indebtedness within the employer-maid relationship in the context of the informal economy. The objectives of the research are to examine the extent to which maids develop trust with their employers, explore how maids create a sense of indebtedness, and investigate the reciprocal support provided by employers. The research employs a qualitative approach, conducting interviews with both maids and employers to gather primary data. The findings reveal that maids who demonstrate loyalty and dedication in their work foster strong relationships with their employers. Such relationships often result in employers providing support to maids and their families, including financial assistance, access to education, and assistance with personal matters. However, power imbalances and vulnerabilities in these relationships also emerge, underscoring the need for comprehensive policies and legal frameworks to safeguard the rights and well-being of domestic workers.</p> Asma Maryam Abdul Raheem Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 2 46 53 Impact of Monetary and Non-monetary Rewards on Employee Performance <p>This research paper explores the impact of monetary and non-monetary rewards on employee engagement and its subsequent effect on organizational performance. The study utilizes a sample of 50 employees from Gwadar, Balochistan. The researcher employed a closed-ended questionnaire for data collection. The data was analyzed via Smart PLS using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling. The research findings revealed the respondents' demographic profile and demonstrated the data's reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity. Hypothesis testing and regression analysis supported the mediating relationships between rewards, employee engagement, and organizational performance. The results emphasize the significance of both monetary and non-monetary rewards in promoting employee engagement, retention, and productivity, ultimately contributing to organizational success.</p> Shahnaz Shafi Mohammad Mehnaz Jan Mohammad Mahjabeen Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 2 54 64 Economy of Pakistan: In the context of Inflation, Money Supply and Exchange Rate <p>GDP (Gross domestic product) is quite possibly one of the primary markers that specialists use to decide the well-being of a nation's economy. Essentially, all administration and monetary chiefs use Gross domestic product as a measurement for arranging and strategy making. Gross domestic product incorporates the market worth of each nation's items and administrations throughout some undefined time frame. This study aims to research the effect of the Unfamiliar Direct Speculation exchange rate, money supply, and inflation rate of the Pakistani Rupee against the US Dollar on Pakistan's GDP from 1960 to 2020. An element of this study is quantitative. In this manner, a logical methodology was utilized. Optional information for Gross domestic product, unfamiliar direct venture, inflation rates, money supply, and exchange rate from 1960 to 2020 was obtained from the State Bank of Pakistan site. The information examination procedure was the relapse strategy utilized in E-Perspectives. The consequences of this study showed that unfamiliar direct venture and swapping scales essentially affect the financial development of Pakistan's Gross domestic product. The impact of the inflation rate and money supply was positive, yet the impact of exchange on Gross domestic product was negative. The exchange balance possibly affects Pakistan's Gross domestic product. The review reasons that the public authority needs to establish a tranquil climate for outsiders to put resources into Pakistan to affect Pakistan's financial development decidedly. The public authority is likewise proposed to check the deterioration of the cash, which antagonistically influences the country's monetary turn of events.</p> Farooq Farooq Kamran Adil Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Law and Social Sciences - University of Turbat 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 2 65 77