Financial Literacy, Retirement Planning, And Demand for Life Insurance: Evidence from Lecturers in Lagos State-Owned Tertiary Institutions


  • Dr. Rasheed Olawale AZEEZ Department of Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lagos State University, Nigeria


financial attitude, financial knowledge, retirement planning, demand for life insurance, Nigeria


Financial literacy is a protective tool for ensuring quality retirement life through annuity life insurance policy. This study evaluated the effects of financial literacy metrics and retirement planning on the demand for life insurance among University lecturers in Lagos State-Owned tertiary institutions. The employed a cross-section survey research design; cum multiphase sampling techniques. Thus, a structured questionnaire of two hundred and seventy-three gathered from University lecturers in Lagos State-Owned tertiary institutions. The statistical techniques adopted were simple frequency percentages and multiple regression technique among the sampling units. While financial attitude, financial knowledge, and financial behaviour showed a positive relationship with the demand for life insurance, financial confidence an inverse relationship. Retirement planning has positive and significant effect of the demand for life insurance. On recommendations, the insurers should take concrete steps to enlightening the University lecturers on the benefits of life insurance to ensuring protective future on their retirement. Government, on the other hand, should make effort to organising workshops, seminar, and conferences that can help literate University lecturers further on financial matters in terms of knowledge, confidence, attitudes, and behaviour for better retirement age. 

Author Biography

Dr. Rasheed Olawale AZEEZ, Department of Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lagos State University, Nigeria

Department of Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lagos State University, Nigeria


Lecturer 1




How to Cite

AJEMUNIGBOHUN, S., & AZEEZ, R. O. . (2025). Financial Literacy, Retirement Planning, And Demand for Life Insurance: Evidence from Lecturers in Lagos State-Owned Tertiary Institutions . Journal of Business Studies and Economic Research, 2(1), 1–23. Retrieved from