Unveiling the Path to Excellence: Analyzing Pakistan and Malaysian Higher Education Policies


  • Shah Zaib Higher Education
  • Dr. Niamatullah LUAWMS Uthal
  • Dr. Abdul Rab LUAWMS Uthal


Higher Education Policies, Pakistan, Malaysia, Content Analysis


The importance of higher education in driving national development and fostering enlightenment cannot be minimalized. The main purpose of the study was to analyze higher education (HE) policies and their role in shaping the HE landscape of Pakistan and Malaysia and to identify the gaps and discrepancies between both countries' HE policies. Content analysis was employed for analyzing HE policies covering from the 1990s to 2020 and used concept development techniques to draw nuanced understanding from various written documents. The findings of the study demonstrated that Pakistan has made noteworthy efforts to transform its HE system through the implementation of various HE policies. However, the HE policies have undergone inconsistencies and lacked sustainability, primarily attributed to political transitions, poor execution, weak governance, and a persistent challenge of only a small, allocated budget for higher education. Whereas, Malaysia has effectively transformed its HE system and established itself as an international hub through the successful implementation of well-designed HE blueprints. These policies sustained sustainably, framed properly, and executed effectively, with revisions made based on lessons learned from previous policies. Both countries have significantly experienced in policymaking; however, Malaysia has displayed a more effective approach to policy implementation and revision, led to a greater degree of success in achieving its objectives. Further, policy recommendations are provided.


